Rottweiler puppies in the UK

Hello, guys!

We are very excited to announce that we sold our first puppy to the UK.

Hunter is the first Rottweiler from Fere Perfectum kennel to move to the United Kingdom, and that is a great honor for us.

We hope that he will be a true representative of our kennel and that he will bring a lot of happiness to his new owners. We look forward to sending more dogs to the UK, and to making our kennel name better known abroad.

Parents of Hunter are German Rottweilers with proven ADRK genetics: Gaucho v.d. Bogenheide and Gloria v.d. Burg Weibertreu.

Hunter has4 brothers still available for sale. If you are looking for a quality Rottweiler puppy to buy, do not look any more, just send us a message.